Need Direction?

Starting a climate job search can be daunting. Skills gaps, impostor syndrome, job ad jargon…all can derail your progress and drain your energy.

In 8 weeks, our Design your Climate Career program gets you ready to pitch for your best climate job — and builds your climate network.

Next 8-week cohort starts September 14th!

Trusted by participants working at these companies:

Trish Kenlon, Co-Founder, Voiz Academy Career Coaching Platform
Founder of Sustainable Career Pathways, GreenBiz contributor, and one of the top job search coaches in sustainability.

“We’ve created an entire ecosystem to support your successful pivot into climate work: top coaches, industry speakers, and a vibrant community of peers and alumni excited to help you make it to that next step. We’re excited to welcome you to the team!”

Design your Climate Career

Our coaches will help you explore the landscape, choose your target role, identify hiring manager problems, align your skills, and craft your best pitch!

Plus, gain unlimited access to our upskilling platform during the cohort — a $495 value!

Gain the confidence you need to work in climate!

With the right mindset and cutting-edge tools and frameworks, you’ll arrive in climate:

  • In the driver’s seat of your search.

  • Connected to a network.

  • Prepared to pitch for your best job.

That’s our promise.

● Think like a “founder” of your career “start-up”.

● Use design thinking to problem-solve for climate hiring managers.

● Understand climate job listings, and pitch your previous success.

● Write impactful cover letters and resumes tailored to climate jobs.

● Map your career direction within the climate jobs landscape.

“I’ve gone from passive job hunter to pitching how I meet business climate challenges head-on. It’s been a game changer!

-Azara Torres, Clean Mobility Manager at Grid Alternatives

Meet your new job search support team

We’ve created an ecosystem to guide and support you on your job search journey.


Top coaches design the program and bring tools and know-how.

Diego Espinosa

Trish Kenlon

Yvonne Espinosa


Climate professionals visit to deliver career-focused talks.

Simon Minton

Victoria Vero

Nick Stoop


Climate and Talent leaders advise our design.

Danielle Azoulay

Danielle Azoulay

Michael McSherry

Viviana Alvarez

“My experience with Voiz Academy has been invaluable. It has been a journey of growth and transformation that aligns perfectly with my aspirations in the climate sector.”

-Michael Martin, DCC participant, SVP Sales, McKesson, ex-Pfizzer

Benefit from career coaching innovations

Design thinking

Use it to understand and solve hiring manager climate problems.

Master job search skills fast with real-world, actionable content.


AI integration

Leverage AI as your “best friend” in every step of the process.


Gain a network of 2,000 Voiz Academy alumni globally.

Job outcomes

After completing alumni return to give us the great news about their new job and the role Voiz Academy played in the hiring process.

“I joined the platform to ‘accelerate’ my job search process by learning where my skillset can bring the most value to the sustainability industry, and how hiring teams think.”

- Madeline Pink, Product Strategy at Code and Theory

In 8 weeks, go from passion to pitch:

Discover our coaching curriculum.

  • Learn the climate jobs landscape and “drop your pin”

  • Understand climate hiring manager pain points, and how they size up candidates.

  • Discover climate professionals who can refine your understanding and expand your network.

  • Tie it all together to create your plan for targeted, impact-driven pitch assets

  • Create your pitch assets: elevator pitch, cover letter, resume, Linkedin.

  • Develop your own “go to market” plan for finding your best job.

  • Learn and practice techniques for shining in interviews.

  • Deliver your pitch and get feedback from your mentor and squad!

Accelerate your journey in 2024!

Dates and time commitment:

🗓️ September 14th - November 9th

⏲️ 8-10 hours per week

🕛 Live group sessions midday EST Saturdays


$1490 (Includes 8-week cohort plus 2-month unlimited access to our upskilling platform!)